Mar 2, 2010

It's A BOY!!!

Our official OB appointment to find out the sex of lil 'kiwi' isn't until March 17th...But since I have connections, we had my dad do an ultrasound for us last Thursday.  Here is what we saw.  For those of you that can't tell what you are looking at, his legs are wide open and the lil cone thing in the middle of his legs is a penis!  When we showed Connor, it didn't really phase him...but when we said he is going to have a brother, he got REALLY excited!  He says Haley already has a brother, but now he gets to have one!  We still have not come to a decision on the name.

1 comment:

lindsay said...

yay for another little mister! we are excited for you guys (especially connor!) you are rad.